Extra Curricular Activities

Providing Before, Dinner Time and After School activities for children of all ages are also extremely important so they are getting more than just the standard 2 hours of physical activity per week.

Providing these additional services can also be of great benefit for working parents who either need to get to work before the start of the School day or can’t collect their children until their working day has finished.

When School breaks up for Half Terms and Summer Holidays, again our service doesn’t stop there.  We are fortunate to have agreements in place with many of our Schools whereby we can use their facilities to run various Sports Camps.

Again, this can be of great benefit to working parents who need to continue working during School holidays and is a greater and cheaper alternative to Child Care.

It’s also provides a great opportunity for children to remain healthy and active during the holidays, to have fun in a safe and secure environment and even gives them the chance to make new friends!



“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a determination”

Our Clubs

After initial consultation with the P.E Coordinator, Head Teacher and children themselves, a plan is drawn up to ensure that every child in Key Stage 1 and 2 is given the opportunity to attend a Club at some point throughout the academic year.

Our Breakfast Clubs tend to run from 8am – 8.45am on a morning that is most suitable for the School.

The type of activities tends to be the choice of School staff and the children as our staff are very flexible in what they can teach.  It can be a specific sport or something more general like Multi-Skills and Sports.

What we consider most important is that the children are given the opportunity to express themselves, take ownership of the Club and by getting early morning exercise, it puts them in the right frame of mind for the rest of the School day.

Our Dinner Time Clubs tend to be aimed at 1 of 3 things:

  1. Working with children who at times might struggle to interact with others and therefore need a focus and an activity to keep them occupied.
  2. To work with children who are deemed gifted and talented in order to maintain their progress and provide some additional training in preparation for any upcoming competitions.
  3. To provide CPD Training for Dinner Time Staff and Year 6 children so that on the days we aren’t there, they can set up new games and activities for children.

These are again agreed in advance with the Head Teacher and P.E Coordinator.

At the end of the School day, we look to provide a number of different After School Clubs for both Keystage 1 and 2 children.  Like the Breakfast Clubs, we ensure everyone is given the opportunity to take part at some point during the academic year.

An After School Programme that’s planned with the Head Teacher or P.E Coordinator will be put in place at the start of the year.  This way we ensure that most sports and activities are covered.  Some times it will be specifically aimed at the recreational children and on other occasions we will train the School teams in preparation for upcoming competitions.

In addition to this, we will go with the School teams to any arranged festivals or competitions throughout the academic year.

During each Half Term and throughout the Summer Holidays, we will run several different Pick n Mix Holiday Camps at various different venues.

The camps offer a wide range of indoor and activities ranging from traditional sports to craft and cake making, dance and film club.  These run on a daily basis throughout the holidays and offer early drop off times and late pick ups to cater for working parents.   The benefit for parents is that they can enrol their children for the whole, part or one day of the camp.  We basically work around you!

The camp itself gives children the opportunity to remain active during the holidays, to take part in any of their favourite sports or activities and also allows them to meet new friends.

We run specialised football sessions at weekends for children between the ages of 3-7 years.  The coaching focuses on developing the basic physical, technical, tactical and social skills of the players ensuring they have lots of fun in a safe and secure environment.