Ofsted Reports
We are very proud of the working relationships we have with each of our Schools as we try to ensure whatever need and wants they have, we will strive to meet these by providing an outstanding service.
With the introduction of the Primary School Sports Funding, this has now become even more paramount.
As part of every inspection, Ofsted will now look at how the Sports Funding is being utilised. We as a company encourage Ofsted to observe us at work as we are so confident in what we do.
We are very passionate that Physical Education should become an integral part of a young child’s every day learning and that what’s being taught to them should be observed every time Ofsted visits a Primary School.
We are very proud to have been observed in some recent inspections and thrilled to have received some positive feedback in the final reports.
“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen”
Our Reports
“Leadership of sport throughout the school is very strong. Leaders use the physical education and sport funding to provide pupils with a broad range of opportunities to take part in extra-curricular sporting activities and in regional and national events. Leaders and pupils are proud of the national awards they received for swimming and lacrosse over the last year.”
Holy Trinity Primary School, Littleborough, December 2018
“The teaching of PE is stronger because of the way in which they are led. Pupils make better progress in this subject. The effective use of the PE and sports premium to employ a specialise sports coach ensure the pupils’ physical skills and fitness are taught well.”
Bury and Whitefield Jewish Primary School, April 2018
“Leaders use the PE and sports funding to provide a specialist coach to teach PE and provide development for staff. The result is that staff provide a range of extra-curricular clubs for pupils, including cross-country running, multi-skills and netball.”
Bury and Whitefield Jewish Primary School, April 2018
“The primary school physical education (PE) and sport funding is used well to support teachers in teaching PE and to extend the range of sports clubs available to pupils. It has also helped pupils to take part in sporting activities outside school.”
Whitefield Primary School, Whitefield, Manchester, November 2017
“Sports funding has been used to provide training to increase teachers’ expertise in delivering high-quality physical education (PE) lessons. Specialist coaches are employed to offer a variety of sports sessions after school and school records show increased participation in activities as a result. Pupils say that PE lessons are much more fun now. Lessons demand that pupils are more active. They say they have to work harder. This is helping pupils improve their health and fitness.”
Emmanuel Holcombe Primary School, Bury, October 2017
“The primary school physical education and sport funding is spent wisely to promote pupils’ good health and well-being.”
Emmanuel Holcombe Primary School, October 2017
“The school uses the primary sports funding effectively. A specialist coach provides sessions for pupils and supports staff to develop their skills. Around 70% of pupils now participate in the wide range of extra-curricular clubs, more than double the number who participated previously.”
St Mary’s Primary School, Radcliffe, Manchester, July 2017
“The sports premium is used well to increase the number of pupils taking part in sporting activities.”
Elton Community Primary School, March 2017
“Additional Physical Education and Sports Funding enables the School to broaden the range of opportunities pupils have. Pupils now have a wider range of sports available to them. Staff receive training and say they are now more confident to teach PE and take clubs”.
St Marie’s Primary School, Bury, January 2017
“Expert sports coaches, funded by the primary sport premium, are enhancing teachers’ skills while making Physical Education lessons active, fun and purposeful”.
Christchurch Ainsworth Primary School, Bury, October 2016
“The extra money provided by the government for physical education and sports has been used appropriately to support pupils’ involvement in sport and to build up the confidence and skills of teaching staff. Leaders commission professional sports coaches to provide sports activities”.
Holcombe Brook Primary School, Bury, June 2016
“The school is using the additional primary school physical education and sport funding successfully. Specialist coaches take lessons, run activities and train staff. Consequently, more pupils are involved in a wider range of sports activities and the school participates in more sports competitions than previously. This is having a positive impact on pupils’ physical well-being and lifestyles”.
St Mary’s Primary School, Radcliffe, Manchester
The additional primary school sport funding has been used by the school to provide further training for teachers. A broader range of physical activities has also been provided for pupils.”
Holcombe Brook Primary School, Bury, March 2015
“The Primary Physical Education and Sports Premium Funding has been used wisely. As a result, there is a greater range of sports clubs on offer and more pupils are achieving the level of skill of which they are capable. School teams have been successful recently in a number of local tournaments including cross country, football, rounders and tennis. Pupils speak enthusiastically of the sporting opportunities provided by the School.”
St Mary’s Hawkshaw Primary School, Bury, February 2015
“The primary school sport funding is used to buy in a specialist sports coach to improve the teaching of physical education and increase pupils’ participation in sporting activities and clubs, as well as to improve pupils’ health and well-being. The school now has a football team and a netball team which play in school leagues.”
Higher Lane Primary School, Whitefield, Manchester, December 2014
“Excellent use has been made of additional physical education and sports funding to improve the quality of sports coaching, particularly in gymnastics, and the range of sports for pupils to try, such as Lacrosse. Pupils also get the opportunity to represent their school and Rochdale in a variety of sports. This is supporting the pupils’ health and well-being, as participation rates for clubs in and out of school – which pupils say they really enjoy – are high and increasing.”
Holy Trinity Primary School, Littleborough, November 2014
“The school is using the additional primary school physical education and sport funding successfully. Specialist coaches take lessons, run activities and train staff. Consequently, more pupils are involved in a wider range of sports activities and the school participates in more sports competitions than previously. This is having a positive impact on pupils’ physical well-being and lifestyles”.
St Mary’s Primary School, Radcliffe, Manchester, June 2014
“The School uses its funding for Physical Education and Sport very effectively to extend the services of a very experienced Coach who teaches in the school. Through the extra funding, he now provides multi-sports activities in the evenings for groups SELECTED pupils, including those entitled to support through the pupil premium, and delivers sports training for staff so that their skills are extended”.
Padiham Green Primary School, Padiham, Burnley, October 2013
“Pupils are adept at regulating their own excellent behavior. This was demonstrated in a large Year 4 Physical Education lesson as five groups of pupils calmly moved around sampling various activities relating to balance and co-ordination after being instructed to do so by their sports coach”
Padiham Green Primary School, Padiham, Burnley, October 2013